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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

Average Rating4.71
(based on 56 reviews)

15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
Electoral Systems UK

Electoral Systems UK

Hate teaching Electoral Systems? I used to as well- no matter how I taught them- students could never remember the differences and strengths and weaknesses. Edexcel Politics ALevel can be used for any spec- (Note may now be slightly out of date as the Mayoral elections have changed system) and list no longer used This resource was created after 10 years of frustration! It is designed to let students explore the different systems for themselves- engaging with the ballot forms and trying to work out how they work and the strengths and weaknesses for themselves. When I used this for the first time last year the students remembered the systems so much better than ever before and were able to evaluate them really well. Accompanying powerpoint and worksheets to go with the interactive ballot activity and card sort. This resource covers 5-6 hours of teaching on electoral systems including a detailed evaluation of FPTP and a comparison to other electoral systems as a legacy of the Jenkins commission. It covers most of the Elections topic just nothing on Referendums. All videos except one are embedded for your convenience- the other was too large! If you have any questions about the resource- email me but I have tried to make the powerpoint guidance as clear as possible.
Politics Alevel Source Questions

Politics Alevel Source Questions

Edexcel Politics Alevel source questions technique guide Powerpoint and word document which guides students through writing source questions for Component 1 UK Politics- includes exemplar intros and paragraphs with evaluation from the sample assessment material and 2021 paper. Very comprehensive and detailed advice on how to write these answers.
Politics taster Day Lesson 2024

Politics taster Day Lesson 2024

Updated Politics Taster Day lesson for 2024 This lesson is for the Edexcel course- we cover: Feminism and option 3A USA so some slides are tailored to this. Lesson is largely discussion based with a true or false quiz to promote discussion. Covers: Corruption and Accountability, Participation and Protest etc. Also includes: careers in Politics, famous students of politics, uses of politics alevel for degree level and quotes from students as well as a breakdown of the course. Also includes some little youtube clips from comedy shows, trailers for Knock Down the House etc.
US Presidents Case Studies since 1992

US Presidents Case Studies since 1992

This cheat sheet has Case studies for all of the key Presidents needed for ALevel Politics Edexcel specification Topic 3 Presidency. Includes Clinton, W. Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden (updated to Christmas 2024) includes their aims, use of their powers and unilateral actions and successes and failures against their key aims and legacies. Includes both a blank one for students if you wanted to set independent work and a completed one for aabsent students/ to check their work afterwards. Will need blowing up to A3 as used a tiny font to get all the info onto 2 sides to make it more user friendly as a reference sheet. Have included fully editable word docs and exported pdfs in case the alignment messes up. PNGs are for illustrative purposes only.
USA Politics Comparative Model Answers

USA Politics Comparative Model Answers

These are for the Edexcel ALevel Component 3a: USA/ UK Comparative Government US and UK. 12 mark exam questions which compare US and UK government. Includes examples of both Comparative GOVERNMENT questions and Comparative THEORY questions. These are for the following questions: Examine the similarities between the US House of Representatives and the UK House of Commons (12 marks) Analyse the different legislative powers between the US Congress and the UK Parliament (12 marks) Note both the above 12 markers are on one word document. Examine the ways in which the US and UK Constitutions are different (12) 30 mark essay: Evaluate the view that Federalism in the USA is in decline. (30) 30 mark essay- Evaluate the view that the Checks and balances in the US Constitution are effective (30) Some of these are designed for feedback tasks and have tasks for students to complete whilst reading the model answers.
USA President Role and Powers

USA President Role and Powers

Edexcel Politics ALevel but can be used for other boards: Lesson 1 in Presidency topic- lesson looking at role and powers of the POTUS- includes examples up to date as of 2021/2022 Fully resourced does not require textbooks. Includes examples.
Minor Political Parties in the UK

Minor Political Parties in the UK

Lesson looking at minor political parties in the UK and their role Includes simple essay plan to “Evaluate the view that minor parties play no significant role in UK politics” Also includes snapshots of minor parties such as SNP, Greens and Reform UK. Includes all recent election performances and a model essay for Edexcel Politics Alevel spec.
Supreme Court Introduction and  Philosophy

Supreme Court Introduction and Philosophy

Edexcel ALevel Politics Component 3 USA Politics Comparative Topic 4 Supreme Court and Civil Rights This is my Introduction lesson to the Court and key terms e.g. Stare Decisis, Loose/ Strict Constructivism and Originalism. Includes a key profile of the current court for a research homework and how they ruled on key cases e.g. Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Board of Health and New York state rifle assoc. v Bruen which cover key aspects of the divisive issues in the USA today e.g. abortion rights, gun control, voting rights, immigration and campaign finance. All the SCOTUS cases I cover are useful case studies for other topics due to the synoptic nature of the ALevel course, this helps students to join the dots. I have also made a key words/ case studies sheet for student files which can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/usa-politics-check-lists-and-case-studies-all-topics-12857384 These case studies cover every topic but there is a whole page devoted to the most important SCOTUS cases and rulings by the court. Note: PNG files are for illustrative purposes only, files include word documents and powerpoints which are fully editable.
Edexcel USA Politics Topic 3: Presidency

Edexcel USA Politics Topic 3: Presidency

6 Resources
Edexcel Comparative Politics- can be used for AQA also with small adaptations Includes all my lessons on the Presidency- updated as of Jan 2024 to include Biden’s successes and failures. All lessons are at least 2 hours plus hwk. Some take longer Lesson 1 and 2 Intro to President- Role and Powers Lesson 3-4 Cabinet and Vice President Lesson 5-6 Power of Persuasion Lesson 7-8 Student Presentations Presidential Case Studies Aims successes and failures including foreign and domestic policy (including completed notes sheet in case any are absent or don’t include enough detail) Lesson 9-10 Presidential Power- What factors can help the President? Is the President Imperial or Imperilled? Lesson 11-12 Comparative Politics comparing the President and the Prime Minister in the UK Total cost to buy separately: £28.00
Political Ideologies Liberalism

Political Ideologies Liberalism

Edexcel Politics Alevel Lessons on Ideologies as a whole and Liberalism as a topic for the Edexcel 2017 spec. I teach Liberalism first because it makes MUCH more sense since it was developed first as an Ideology and Conservatism was a response to it. This bundle includes the first 7 lessons (2 hours each) intro and activities, Core Values with independent research (uses hand outs from Pearson and Haywood book) and Explanation of the Core Values but you could use some of the slides if you don’t have the textbook. Lesson 5 ends up developing a plan for the essay: To what extent do Liberals agree on the State? (24 marks) I taught these lessons to my Year 13 class and they worked really well for discussion. Also includes some embedded videos and worksheets. EDIT: I have now amended this resource and added some additional files. If you have already paid for it- you should be able to redownload the bundle.
Alevel Politics Exam Question and Revision Bundle

Alevel Politics Exam Question and Revision Bundle

13 Resources
ALevel Politics Big Fat Revision and Exam Bundle Includes loads of resources for ALevel Politics including: Knowledge organisers Topic 1, 2 and 3 Component 1 Quiz on Democracy which has several key sections Essay task booklets Model answers bundle Revision pack- case studies and thinking quilts Exam Questions guide Source guide teaching how to approach sources All topic check lists and key terms for Component 1 Total Price would be £62 this is a bargain!
Voting Behaviour and the Media

Voting Behaviour and the Media

Introduction lesson to Voting Behaviour and the Media This lesson introduces students to the concept of studying voting behaviour and examines factors which may affect voting behaviour. The idea is that students are then given case studies to produce and present on an individual election. Includes powerpoint on intro lesson which covers 1979 and 1997 key case studies as an overview of what happened in each election. Debate on the question “1979/1997 elections were lost by the government rather than won by the opposition” examination of Valence Voting and brief introduction of other theories. Detailed statistic booklet on General Elections since 1979 Template sheet for students to make notes on each election during Presentations with example for 1945 Election. PNG images for illustration only, files include fully editable powerpoint and word documents.
USA Politics Edexcel Topic 1 Constitution

USA Politics Edexcel Topic 1 Constitution

9 Resources
Edexcel ALevel Politics Component 3 USA Topic 1 Constitution Includes all lessons in topic 1 (they are all doubles including homework) as well as two intro lessons to US Politics All updated to Biden Presidency and 117th Congress Total cost for resources sold individually would be £37 Lesson 1 American Politics Intro Lesson 2 USA History and Context includes foundation and War of Independence, Liberal ideals and the Constitution as well as the challenges and major landmarks since e.g. Depression and New Deal, WWII, 9-11 and issues USA are divided over as well as context of Geography/ religious and racial divides in USA. Lesson 3: Intro to and Origins of the Constitution Lesson 4: US Constitution Features and Principles Lesson 5: Amending the Constitution- process and strengths and weaknesses Lesson 6: Federalism and challenges to it- also models of Federalism and analysis/ debate on Federalism- Layer cake or Marble cake? Lesson 7: Evaluation of the Constitition looks at strengths and weaknesses of features according to FOunding Father’s intentions Lesson 8 US vs UK Constitution Comparison including Comparative Theories. Note: Each lesson is 2 hours of teaching time plus hwk.
Edexcel Politics ALevel Exam Questions Guide

Edexcel Politics ALevel Exam Questions Guide

This powerpoint was designed around Examiner Reports for Edexcel. It uses the extracts from the Examiner comments with tips and guidance on how to approach the different exam questions for Edexcel Paper 3A in Politics ALevel- USA Comparative. Includes tips/ structure for 12 mark Comparative Government 12 mark Comparative Theory 30 mark essays. Also includes a table of all past paper questions and a 30 mark essay planning grid. PNG files for illustrative purposes only- includes a fully editable powerpoint and word docs.
Edexcel USA Politics Topic 2: Congress

Edexcel USA Politics Topic 2: Congress

6 Resources
Edexcel ALevel Politics (new spec from 2017) This is a bundle of all my resources on Congress. This is a 12-16 hour teaching bundle which covers the entire topic and comparative politics. 1.Structure, Role and powers of Congress 2. Representation in Congress 3. Legislative process in Congress 4. Oversight of the Executive Branch 5. How has role and powers of Congress changed- especially in a post Trump era? 6. Comparative Govt Comparing Congress and Parliament. Glossary sheet for Topic 2. Topic Check List and Key Words as well as Case Studies updated as of 2024. Total price to buy separately would be: £30.00
The Supreme Court and Shaping Policy

The Supreme Court and Shaping Policy

Edexcel ALevel Politics Component 3 USA Lesson 4 in my unit of work on the Supreme Court- this lesson examines the accusation of Justices “Legislating from the bench” and examines case studies and arguments about Judicial Activism vs Judicial restraint. Includes examples up to date as of November 2024. Powerpoint and worksheet/ notes sheet included as well as a colour code sheet and video clips.
Comparative Politics US President UK PM

Comparative Politics US President UK PM

Edexcel ALevel Politics spec but can be used for AQA as very similar. Lesson examining and analysing compartive Politics looking at various aspects of USA President and UK Prime Ministers including: -Role and Powers -Cabinets -Accountability to Legislatures/ Checks and balances -Styles of Government -RElationships between branches Also includes updated examples as of January 2024 including James Cleverly controversies and attempts to impeach Biden in US House due to increasing partisanship Includes little video clips to demonstrate examples or show comparisons and a full breakdown of the comparative theories for this topic. Includes a colour code to help students get used to understanding the different theories and how to apply them. Very detailed and no need for any additional resources although can be set as independent work with textbook but all info is contained within resources so no need to own the Bennett book- if you don’t have it ignore page references in the teacher notes. This lesson has a lot of resources, more than enough for 2 hours of lessons (probably 3 hours if you include video tasks) plus homework and there is a 12 mark exam question for Edexcel included.
Exam Grade Boundaries for a Department

Exam Grade Boundaries for a Department

Attached are the standardised grade boundaries I use within my department. They are based on 2019 but with a 1% cushion built in where I think appropriate in case of increases in 2024. They are for the following options/ exam boards: GCSE- Edexcel 9-1 Combination Medicine, Saxons/ Normans, Superpower RElations and Weimar/ Nazi Germany (note other combinations may differ) ALevel History OCR- Combination which fits MOST options: Wars of the Roses Russia 1894-1941 Tudor Rebellions ALevel Politics Edexcel including Option 3A USA Comparative.
Edexcel Government and Politics Essay Marking Grid

Edexcel Government and Politics Essay Marking Grid

This is an essay feedback grid for Component 1 and Component 2 UK Politics and UK Government. All about saving time and giving good quality feedback which aquaints students with assessment objectives and develops their knowledge, skills and understanding. Feedback not marking!
US Politics Current Affairs

US Politics Current Affairs

This is a tracker for students to follow different news headlines and see how they are treated differently by rival media groups with BIAS- in this case I chose CNN and Fox News.